Plan better B2B SaaS marketing content in less time.

Content marketing can be difficult in the SaaS space. Last-minute brainstorming is stressful and inefficient, not a sustainable way to build a content engine—you have better things to do.

But you also know that content is critical. Longer sales cycles translate to more opportunity to educate prospects and stakeholders.

What content should you create, when should you create it, and for whom?

Meet the Persona Content Map for B2B SaaS.

This free tool gives you a framework to tap into the mindset of your prospects at each stage of their journey.

The Persona Content Map will help you generate useful, helpful content ideas quickly. You'll position yourself as an authority in your industry and build trust in your brand.

In two hours or less, you’ll have everything you need to:

  • Generate a quarter’s worth of quality content ideas across personas and buying stages

  • Mix and match different ways of looking at your personas to create new content ideas in the future

  • Visualize gaps and opportunities in either your current content or in your future content plan

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